What is Grad School, anyway?
Is graduate school unclear to you? Unsure of the difference between grad & undergrad degrees? Find out about Masters and PhD programs here!
Writing Papers in University
Level-up your essay writing for university success! Writing papers in university is a challenge - learn how to do it here!
Time Managment and Prioritization for Students
How I manage my time as a PhD student: Semester schedule, weekly priorities and weekly to-do list. Read more here!
Understanding Your Skills and Interests
What are your aptitudes and interests? Gaining a better understanding of yourself will help you when planning your courses, major, and career.
Transferable Skills for Students
Transferable skills are so important for students, and this is the best time to gain experience and build them. When you are just beginning your university journey, it may be difficult to identify and describe your aptitudes and experiences.
Study Skills for University Students
Let me share my top study tips with you! I experimented a lot to figure this out, and you should see what works for you, too. Good luck!
University Student Career Exploration
As a student, you are in the ideal time of your life to try on different careers: Your university can probably connect you with multiple opportunities, you don't have to stay in any role for too long, and you can build your resume at the same time!
The Top 5 People to Know at Your University
Who are the top 5 people you should know on campus? Find out here! These are the students, faculty and staff you should connect with to succeed at university.